Thursday, April 17, 2014

There's something about grocery shopping..

That wears me out!! Tring to keep two kids happy well I go about it might be the cause. I feel like been slacking off on my food prep lately. But, I did make pea soup last week and chili the week before so I need to give myself a little credit. Most of the basic things like cutting up cantoloupe, onions, letuuce, and other veggies didnt get done. When I cut up the small stuff it can just be thrown into a salad or a stir fry. It's easy to whip up a quick healthy sandwhich. For me it takes the "daunting" feeling out of eating healthy. It takes a few minutes to prep today, for me, a half hour. I like to think it frees up a lot of time during the week. I also have a chicken soup in the crock pot. Its sad that it is still cold enough that I even feel like eating soup.
Here's what I plan on eating today:
Shake 1R
Peanut 1B & 1O
10 Baby carrots 1G
Pita 1Y
Steak 1R
Mushroom & onion 1G
6 slices ham 1R
Chicken Soup 1R & 1G & 1Y
2 Apples
2 tsp. Peanut butter

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

21 day fix day 10

     I want to say that all the sickness has gone from our house but I feel like I would be jumping the gun!! This last week an a half I have done my best to stay on track with eating. Whenever I'm sick I just want to eat junk food for some reason!! But I didn't so I am proud of that.
     Went for a walk saturday morning, was still planning on working out but can home to a crazy mess so got stressed out and let stress rule the rest of my day. We got a family bike ride in on sunday so that was my workout. Then sunday night roles around BAM I'm sick again!! Not fun. So I took the day off monday laying on the couch most of the day. Then tuesday morning I felt better so took the kids for a half hour bike ride. Then later in the afternoon catch up on my 21 day fix with cardio fix and upper fix.
Heres what I plan on eating today:
Apple, 2 tsp peanut butter melted
10 baby carrots, 1/2 peta bread with two slices ham, cabbage, onion, tomato, and mustard.
Baked chicken Breast meat only, corn, and stuffing.

Friday, April 11, 2014

21 day fix Day 5

Woke up feeling so much better tis morning. I am so glad I laid around all day so i would feel better today. When you are in a workout zone and you get sick it can be so hard to say no to a workout, but I find that if I workout before I feel 100% then it sets me back for even longer. Plus I'm feeling good about myself because when im feeling sick I usually just want to eat junk all day but I did really well sticking to my nutrition plan. Yaya me!!

Today, I did two workouts to catch up on my 21 day fix. I don't think I've sweat so much in a long time. Now I just need to go get grociers so I can continue to eat well this weekend. That is the hardest part for me is staying true to my nutrition plan while on the weekend.


Peanut butter

Thursday, April 10, 2014

21 day fix day 4

Woke up this morning with a pounding headache with two out of three kids are sick!! I didn't work out yeaturday becaseu I was SICK, but today im not feeling to shabby expect for the headahce so I might just do some light cardio see if some happy endorphins will make it go away.

Here's whats on the menu today:

toast 1 Y

PB 1 teasp

jelly 1 Teasp

Shake 1R

Peanuts 1O

Chili 1R, 1Y, 1G

Cheese 1B

Kiwi 1P

10 baby caroots 1G

Chicken 2R

10 baby carrots 1G

Cabbage 1G

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

21 day fix Day 2

Upper fix today I felt it more in my abs then anything else. But my arms do have a little shakeu feeling to them! I was tring to do the 3 day quick fix at the begining but I just couldn't handle it yesterday and ended up eating pasta late at night. Not really a big deal because I didn't go crazy but I would have liked to stick to the eating plan. Today I am going to use the regular meal plan. It's a lot of food!!
 What I am going to eat today:

Shakeology 1 R
Mushroom 1 G
Egg 1 R
Canatoloupe 1 P
14 peanuts 1 B
Peanuts 1 O
10 baby carrots 1G
Chili 1Y, 1G, 1/2 R
Apple 1P
Peanut butter 2 teaspoons
Chicken Breast 2 1/2 R
Peas 1Y

Monday, April 7, 2014

21 day fix Day 1

21 day fix

First day of the 21 day fix was pretty intense. I almost gave up on frog crunches three times but keep telling myself in my head that my mind gives up before my body will. Push on!! Got this workout done even before I had my coffee, that's a first for me! Anybody else love that Autumn Calabrese is a bikini competitor!! Those girls really know how to shape a body! I'm very excited for my results.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Weightloss Journey day 26

         I broke my three day no red bull streak nut it is not that big of a deal because I didn't have the bottle of wine that I really wanted to have. Did I need the red bull from an energy stand point? No, that carbonated taste was all that I was craving plus the taste reminds me of smarties. I love smarties. If my Poland springs sparkling water had been in the fridge I wouldn't have drank the red bull. Going to the store today, I have a birthday party this weekend so I want to make sure I am not hungry when I go. So that means my fridge needs to be restocked.
       Today I want to give less excuses for what I put in to my mouth. Just own it. The choice to raise foods/drinks to my lips are my own no matter if I say its from stress. By saying that I'm thinking I give myself the go ahead to continue to use stress as my excuse to do whatever I want to my body. Just started dancing a little bit there. Doing lots of food prep for this next week so it will be a good one!!

Goals For today
-Workout CVX
-No red bull
-Eat haelthy

Thursday, January 16, 2014

To eat treats or not to eat treats

        Leave yourself room in your calories for some chocolate or chips. I have struggled with bingeing for three years now while trying to lose weight. I would completely cut everything from my diet except healthy foods. Within a few days I could be found curled up in a corner surrounded by empty potato chip bags, reeses wrappers, and any other junk food you can name.

        Some people say that if you eat a whole bunch of "crap" at one sitting it makes you feel horrible so that you never want to eat that food again for a very long time. That just doesn't work for me. But after two years of fighting it I let myself use PORTION CONTROL. Now I can have chips with salsa with no guilt or any over indulgence. I eat really healthy now so sweets literally make feel sick. One sugar cookie over the holidays made me feel horrible.

         Bingeing gets better over time eapecially if the need to change is felt deep within you.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

P90x3 Day 24 Accelerator

Whew today was a killer!!

Seriously I just rolled over and then let my kids put stickers on me!! 

Yes it did hurt when they pulled them off!! But the kids sure found it funny!!

My Goals for today
-no red bull
-light dinner
-eat healthy

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

P90x3 in oxygen magazine!!

Its funny that this is in here, my mom was in the room when I was working out while tony was picking on Alice.  She asked "who's Alice, you!?" Nope!! I wish though Alice has an amazing work that came from dedication, willpower, and Tony Horton!!

Man, I want that stomach!!

P90x3 Dynamix

Feeling wiped out after my workout so I grabbed half a protein bar to replace some of the energy I lost. Then had a yummy lunch with p90x3 dressing!!

One of the great things about beachbody workouts are that each come with a nutrition guide. These guides are crucial helpful to get your weightloss off to the best start possible. Most of the new programs p90x3, t25, and the ultimate reset are all about clean eating. You don't have to do any of the research on what to eat. It's all at your finger tips. List of the foods you just need to pick put what you like best. If you really want to lose the fat this is the easiest way to do it!!

29 days into my fitness journey

Over the course of three years I've gained 18 pounds then lost 25 pounds and 11 inches off my body. Every week I would struggle with what the scale would tell me. Most of the time it said "You didn't lose any weight after all that hard work you put in ha-ha". But I felt skinner, healthier, and happier but did that matter? Nope not one bit those little numbers on the scale didn't budge so I would lose any control I gained over the week giving up for weeks at a time.


After three years I've finally decided not to let the numbers on the scale define the work that I have put in to change my body. In three an a half weeks I've lost a total of 16 inches off my entire body!! Woot Woot!!